
We are grateful for you, the joy, wisdom and connection you bring to our community!

How we live and treat ourselves–saying yes to an abundant, happy, healthy you

-genuinely supports bringing consciousness and love into our external relationships.

It's spiritually minded people like you that help elevate conscious connections and pave a path in awakening.

Thanks again for joining our online community of like minded individuals!

We look forward to cultivating a deeper sense of you together in 2024!

We are delighted to share

we have extended the New Year New you Special 

Join us for the 

$99.00 (normally 149.00)

Unlimited Online Monthly 

Pricing will reflect our normal $149.00 pricing after the 1 month trial period.

 Join our Virtual Yoga Community 

Offer good until June 1st 2024


50% Complete

Two Step

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